Lined coats can seem like an advanced sewing exercise to many, but I'm here to tell you it's not!

YOU are totally capable of this!

Just be ready to cut a squillion pieces out, but once you get on your machine it comes together quickly and methodically - the outcome - an awesome jacket that looks like it came off the rack!

duffle coat

If you haven't heard about this jacket before you've got a couple of options to work with. The quick-sew or the pro-finish.

duffle coat

I chose the pro-finish with pockets, hood, panelled back, and contrast bands on the back.


duffle coat

The hood or collar can be used on either the quick-sew or pro-finish options.

Your quick-sew has a one piece back, no pockets and no extra facings on the lining edges. It really just depends on your time, experience and the look you are after.

duffle coat

So what are you waiting for, if you're in the northern hemisphere, winter is around the corner! Get on it!

(and if you need even more inspiration, go check out a few more pics at create.nic)

duffle coat

--- Article written by Nicola Falconer for Tadah! September 2015 ---

Lauren Harris