SEW IT'S CHRISTMAS - Day 8: Bias Tape Maker + How to Attach Double Fold Bias

by Lauren Harris November 27, 2016

SEW IT'S CHRISTMAS - Day 8: Bias Tape Maker + How to Attach Double Fold Bias

I am sorry to be doing a double up today, but we are playing catch up for yesterday when I forgot to post!

Don't forget to print out your Tadah wish list HERE so that you can mark off the crafty goodies that you want - and upload your completed wish list to the Facebook group (Tadah Pattern Party) on the last day of the 12 days of crafty gift ideas for your chance to WIN!!! The last day will be Thursday 1st Dec and winners will be accounced on Friday 2nd Dec.


In this afternoon's video I demonstrate how to create your own bias binding using the Bias Tape Maker AND how to attach double fold bias (either home made or pre-bought picot edge binding) to the edge of your garment.

Follow the links find the products shown in the video:

* Bias tape makers are HERE and HERE.

* Picot edge bias is HERE HERE or HERE (MORE arriving next week!)


Or add these items to your Tadah wish list to give to your loved ones ;) If you haven't downloaded the wish list yet you can find it HERE.

Happy sewing everyone!

Lauren x

Lauren Harris
Lauren Harris


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