Morning everyone, apologies for my croaky voice! 

Today we will be finishing off some things from yesterday that I didn't get to - finishing the BTP bodice, finishing the TPD bodice and side seams.

So the first video will show you what to do with the Baby Tea Party bodice - you will need to sew the side seams together before you can join the skirt or playsuit to it.

The second video shows how to finish the bodice and side seams on the regular Tea Party Dress

Here we finish the Baby Tea Party playsuit or romper legs using bias for the elastic casing.

And this is what it looks like finished


Here we line up the playsuit and skirt to add the layered look (well, we pretend to -- because I didn't cut that option)

 And last but not least for today, we will attach the skirt for the zip hack - if you're totally comfortable with gathering and attaching you probably don't need to watch the video, it's pretty boring, the main difference with the skirt attachment for the zip hack is you don't fold over the inside back seams 3/8" you just attach the skirt right flat.

That's it from me today! If I can keep my eyes open after The Bachelorette, I'll make another vid about top stitching the waist, otherwise it'll happen tomorrow :-)

T x

Tanya Karolia