SEW IT'S CHRISTMAS - Day 3: Perfectly cut buttonholes

by Lauren Harris November 22, 2016

SEW IT'S CHRISTMAS - Day 3: Perfectly cut buttonholes

Good morning everyone! Welcome to another day of our 'Sew It's Christmas' craft gift ideas.

Today I am showing you a very simple way to have perfectly cut buttonholes every time. No more stress about the seam ripper cutting through the end of your buttonhole, or messy cutting from snips.

Check out the video below for a demo of just how easy it is!

You can purchase Craft Smart Fray Stop HERE and the Birch buttonhole cutter HERE.

Or add it to your Tadah wish list to give to your loved ones ;) If you haven't downloaded the wish list yet you can find it HERE.

Happy sewing everyone!

Lauren x

Lauren Harris
Lauren Harris


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